June 2023 Cosmic Vibe (Monthly Astrology)

June’s Cosmic Vibe-Monthly Astrology


Here is your look at the astrology of June. Please remember that these energies may be felt a few days before and after the actual event. Enjoy June!

Starting the month off we have a Jupiter/North Node conjunction. You may have been feeling this build up as they have been approaching each other towards the end of May. This is bringing in the energy of looking for or finding those that can help us move towards our destiny or our future. You may discover a new spiritual mentor or guru or discover it in yourself. It may just be an acquaintance that helps to direct you or show you a new path of growth. This is all happening in the sign of Taurus so wherever that is for you, the energy will present itself. This is some good energy…enjoy it!

6/3…FULL Moon in Sagittarius  13♐18 This full moon is showing us the way to expand, to move forward, to move past the things that we ordinarily do. Let go of worn out patterns and ways of thinking to make room for the next level of growth.

6/4…Mercury is conjunct Uranus. These two planets meet up and you may find yourself getting some electric ideas. You may feel like thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are coming at you quickly. You may feel like you are very much intune with your intuition and psychic abilities. A great time for meditation and inviting energetic downloads. As a lower vibrational expression, you may find that you are quick to jump to conclusions and assumptions.

6/5…Venus moves into the sign of Leo♌. This is a time to strut your stuff! This is a fun and playful energy of beauty and love. You may find that you have a bit more pride and enthusiasm for the way you and/or your partner look right now. There may be an urge to beautify your surroundings and make your sanctuary perfect. This is occurring however at the same time that there is a Venus/Pluto opposition, and Pluto likes us to go DEEP. So be mindful to keep things in perspective. Stay out of the drama.

6/11…Mercury moves into the sign of Gemini♊one of it’s home signs. Mercury here likes to have debates and games of trivia. Lots of reels on social media and quick shorts. Think of a busy bee type of energy as far as information and ideas go. It is still making a trine (supportive energy) to Pluto as this planet moves back into the sign of Capricorn. Pluto has been in Capricorn♑ for over 15 years with a brief stint in Aquarius. This is an opportunity to finish up things that you have been working on during that time. What transformed for you over that time? This energy will stay around for us until January of 2024…so dot those i’s and cross those t’s. 

6/17…Saturn turns retrograde.(17th/18th) New moon in Gemini 26♊43 These two events are happening on the same day so they will be effecting how the energy presents itself. You may want to skip the new moon intention ritual with this one and perhaps focus on deepening what you have been experiencing the last few months. Saturn is all about discipline and learning patience. It’s about karma and structure. Although this sounds like it could be a challenging time for some, remember that this energy could be used to restore some habits and routines that you fell away from or a time to focus on the small details that you were avoiding.

6/19…Jupiter sextiles Saturn retrograde. I want to mention this transit because it plays into the energy of the 17th and 18th. Jupiter wants to expand and to grow. It wants to find new things and have some fun. Combined with a Saturn influence, it can offer you an opportunity to really find/attract those experiences that will not waste your time or simply be the wrong thing for you. Saturn is going to offer discernment. Try to work with this energy the best way you can as you can truly benefit from it.

6/21…Sun moves into Cancer ♋Happy Summer Solstice (or Winter in the southern hemisphere) Sun in Cancer brings us to home and family.  It is a great time to have some family BBQ’s or get togethers. You may feel quite emotional about experiences since this is a water sign; but it offers the opportunity to come out of your shell and do some stuff that makes you feel happy and sparks your soul. I would like to mention that the asteroid Ceres moves into Libra during this time also. Normally I don’t talk about anything outside of the basics but this feels appropriate. Ceres represents nurturing and the things that we need to make us feel nurtured-Libra is about balance and relationships. This occurring at the same time that Cancer season starts is absolutely perfect for self care. Do the things that make you feel safe and support you in the best way possible. What a wonderful day for a Reiki session😉Get together with the people that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and enjoy each other’s company.

6/26th-27th…Mercury moves into Cancer…talk about my feelings…YES PLEASE! Unlike the busy bee energy we felt in Gemini, here Mercury wants to really get into our intuition and instinct. Our thoughts will be blended neatly with our emotions. Be mindful not to get too defensive if you get too into your feelings with others. This may still be a great time to get into some things with your family and get those lines of communication really flowing.

6/30…The end of June sees Neptune stationing retrograde…who can blame this planet for wanting to stay in its home sign of Pisces a little longer?!? After so much emotional and hopefully healing energy during June, let’s take this opportunity to self reflect and re connect with our spiritual practice or our meditation routine. You could feel unbalanced or foggy in your experiences but stay grounded and use this wave of retrograde Neptune to bring yourself into alignment with what your soul needs.

Would you like a Reiki session to help balance out these influences? Book easily online at our Las Vegas office HERE: https://withlovereiki.com/