A Spiritual Being Living a Human Life



So many of us are on a spiritual path at this time.  We are all seeking relief from pain and stress, and trying to find our true purpose in life.  We join meet up groups of like minded people, we take classes to learn different ways to heal or empower ourselves, we spend HOURS meditating when we feel off or just a few minutes before work, rushing our meditation, telling ourselves that a few minutes is better than nothing at all. We use whatever crystals called to us that day on the way out the door to keep away all the ickies and bad vibes we may run into.  And then it happens.  Whether it is one of our teachers, mentors, friends or someone you just met, we hear “Well if you are stuck in negativity all of the time it is because you are attracting it.  Change your vibration.”  Horror! Embarrassment! Shame! All slamming into you at the same time.


Albeit that when these words are all uttered together towards someone, they are typically meant to help the recipient feel better about their spiritual path. However it tends to have the reverse effect on them.  We strive everyday to be a better person, to be vibrating at a higher level, to be clean and clear enough to hear our guides and to hear Spirit talk to us, so when we have a question about why all these negative occurrences keep happening to us we receive the information that it is OUR OWN fault. How did that help?


Now before everyone gets upset, yes i do believe that what we put out is what we get back.  If we are vibrating at a very low frequency we will get more of the same and if we are vibrating at a higher frequency the same will occur.  And yes when we receive negative situations that they are there to help us on our path.  Now that that has been said, we are all just human.  We are spiritual beings living a human existence with all of the negativity that happens, and the stress, and all of the everyday crap we have to go through, it is all part of a HUMAN life.  The whole idea of having negative things NEVER  happen is just not correct.  Think of all of the people that have lived and have been through storms of negativity.  Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his holiness the Dalai Lama, saints, holy people and so many others have lived and vibrated at a higher frequency but yet still had terrible things occur in their lives.  Please do not let anyone make you think that you are the cause of bad things happening.


There are many spiritual beings living human lives that have careers and jobs that add negativity to their lives everyday.  Again these are people on a spiritual path.  Should they stop doing what they are doing because of it or should they take the negative moments and find a way to clear and release those as they occur or at the end of the day?  What do you tell the person who is working in human resources and gets complaints all day long…quit your job?  How about a person who works with people on death row or in prisons?  The people that you see working in any service industry and having to deal with the public day after day? The police officers or firefighters, the military or any other job that will put a person in the line of negativity day in and day out. Do we have them quit their job?  Do we tell the spiritual person that they are the cause of this?  Not everyone is able to quit or change professions.  Many people are in their industry because they want to help or make a difference for someone somehow.  And many people have to be in the job they have to support their family or themselves at this time and the opportunity has not come around yet for them to change jobs.  Telling these spiritual beings that are living human lives that it is their fault only helps to perpetuate the cycle of guilt that they are sure to find themselves in.  When you are repeatedly told that it is your fault, even after you have meditated, smudged, cut cords, did whatever ceremony you can think of to do to banish the negative icks far from your life, only to have bad things occur still…how is that not going to create the idea that the person is doing something wrong or just not good at doing what they are trying to do? Which then causes them to feel bad about themselves and bad about what they are doing and to try “harder” to fix things because something is wrong with them.  Well guess what? There is now a lower vibrational thought pattern and it just keeps going and going and going.


As spiritual beings living human lives, we should always let people know that it is NOT their fault for negative things happening. Remember we are still speaking about people who are on a spiritual path of light and love feeling this way. There is no reason to help keep them in a lower vibrational thought pattern of them not being good enough.  Help these people when possible to learn that they are going to have negative days and bad things will happen but it is how we go through these issues that brings us to that higher vibration.  Do not allow or participate the well meaning others to blame the spiritual being living a human life for the negative happenings.  Humans will have bad days, and bad things happen, and humans will have jobs where they are bombarded with negativity all day long.  It is part of this world and it was our choice in coming here to begin with to heal our wounds and learn our lessons.  As a community i feel very strongly that we need to handle how we address this situation and take away the blame or guilt that many of us add to, even when we are trying to help.  Try to remember that we are all humans and when we come from a place of love instead of judgement, everyone benefits.


by: Sheila Sclafani-Cook