Still Feeling Bad After a Reiki Session


Still Feeling Bad After a Reiki Session

     So you just received your first Reiki session or maybe even your 5th session and you notice that you just do not feel right. There may be some pain that has not gone away and may even seem like it is actually much more intense. The issue that you were hoping to work on with Reiki may seem to be a bit more prominent in your life. Although this is not the majority of responses from Reiki, these a
re indeed a normal reaction and there is nothing to fear.

     For someone who is a Reiki client this may feel like Reiki just did not work or it somehow made things worse and I can assure you that this is not the case. In fact, Reiki is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing…healing. Reiki can do no harm and only wants to help you heal.

     I always explain this situation in the following way: Imagine that your health, pain, emotional issue, or whatever has brought you to Reiki is a big bucket of muddy water. Most of the mud has settled on the bottom of the bucket. Now as a someone searching for their healing path you of course want to cleanse away any issues that you may have. Imagine that the “issue” is the mud in the bucket. In order to clean the bucket of water you will have to stir up the mud and then once the mud is circling around the water and no longer settled on the bottom of the bucket, you can begin to sift the water and pull out the mud. Leaving only crystal clear water behind.

   This is how Reiki works. Sometimes we bury things so deeply or have had an issue for so long that it has almost become embedded in who we are. The “mud” has to be stirred up which will sometimes cause pain, emotional issues, and even a physical sickness, such as a cold or stomach issues. These are all normal. These symptoms will typically last only a few days. However there are the rare occasions when someone is still feeling the effects a few weeks later. Of course usually not to the same severity as there was in the beginning.

    There is no reason to be frightened or worried. Reiki is doing what it is meant to do. Your bucket of water is being cleared out and purified and the mud is being taken out. It is advised that during these times you definitely continue with your Reiki sessions as these will help the process. Also drink plenty of water and get enough rest as your body and spirit will need it. And most importantly, be grateful for the fact that you are taken steps to heal yourself and know that this process is worth who you will be on the other side.

Written by: Sheila Sclafani-Cook