What to Expect During a Reiki Session


What to expect during a Reiki session

For those people who have experienced a Reiki session before, you know the way it makes you feel. I like to call it a “massage for your soul”. The calming and relaxing feelings that can occur are probably many people’s favorite part of Reiki. There are many people who have never had a Reiki session and are unaware of the feelings and beautiful experiences that can occur. This article is for those people.

If you have never had Reiki done before it may seem a little frightening because you really do not know what to expect. Every person perceives Reiki differently. What I feel during a session may not be at all close to what someone else experiences during their session. In fact the same person can receive Reiki from the same healer and feel and sense different things each and every time they go for a session.

Some people will feel a warm sensation throughout their entire body or perhaps in just one area. There may be a tingling sensation, a vibration, or even just a relaxing feeling in your whole body. There are times when you may not feel any type of sensation at all but when the session is over you may notice that your mind and body are both completely relaxed. Some of these things happen to the majority of people. You may be able to feel Reiki on a physical level or you may not feel anything at all, but Reiki is always working on all levels.

There are some people that when they receive Reiki, they are privy to some of the most amazing experiences. There may be visions that happen during your session. There may be flashes of past lives, of people you know now or in your past, there may be different colors or shapes, maybe some sort of lights that you will see. There may be voices or messages that come through for you that you may hear or have a sense of “hearing”. Many wonderful things can happen when you experience Reiki.

Through clients and my own personal experiences I can say all of the things listed above may potentially happen. Of course there are some other things that can happen, and have happened to me during a Reiki session. The feelings that I have had range greatly from nothing but a wonderful and relaxing time to some of the most vivid feelings and visions i have ever had in my life.

Reiki affects different people in different ways but always for the highest good of those involved. Reiki is in no way a supplement for a doctor but it is to be used in conjunction with professional medical treatment if there are medical issues in the client. Allowing Reiki to assist you in your healing path is something that i believe everyone should try.

written by: Sheila Sclafani-Cook