Reiki and Rose Quartz

Reiki and Rose Quartzimages


As a Reiki practitioner I enjoy using rose quartz with most of my clients’ healing sessions and also using rose quartz for my own personal healing. Rose quartz and Reiki just connect for me. The idea of using an universal unconditional love energy such as Reiki to heal with, resonates with the idea of using a crystal of unconditional love. Rose quartz is a stone which encourages unconditional love and helps people connect with that energy.

Using rose quartz crystals with Reiki for clients and personal healing enables the client or yourself to bring your personal vibrational frequency up to the frequency of the crystal. These crystals help to bring a feeling of unconditional love and peace into the environment in which the healing is taking place.

Personally I will use rose quartz crystals during a Reiki healing session for clients in a number of different ways. I will place the crystals around the client or have them hold a few in their hands. I try to encircle the client with the rose quartz to create a grid of sorts that encompasses the client in a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere. By creating this grid around the client the rose quartz will help to surround the client in pink and rose energy.

Another way that i use rose quartz crystals is to place them under the Reiki table. Using them in this way the rose quartz will still create an atmosphere of pink and rose energy that softly affects the client in a loving way. The rose quartz field will begin from underneath the client and encircle them in the energetic field. When the client is going through an emotional issue, rose quartz along with Reiki will assist them in calmly and peacefully releasing all that is no longer necessary with the issue. It will help them to get past their own issue and find the greater good through unconditional love.

In my own personal healing and meditations I like to place a circle of rose quartz around myself or under the Reiki table to assist in creating an unconditional circle of peace. These crystals assist in moving the blockages that are energetically keeping the flow of unconditional love dammed up. When the love can flow easily through the energetic field and body, things become easier to solve and issues tend to work themselves out.

For me, Reiki and rose quartz go hand in hand for healing emotional issues and also physical issues. Love is always the answer and when it can flow freely within yourself or between other people it allows the human race to be in a peaceful place.

Written by: Sheila Sclafani-Cook